Encouragement poems, Inspirational, Life poems

Desiderata (Max Ehrmann – 1927)

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youths.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars,
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Life poems


It’s okay to be not alright,
It’s okay to be too quiet,
It’s okay to take a break,
And be there for yourself,
It’s okay sometimes to ask for help.

It’s okay to sometimes feel lost,
It’s okay if you’re tired,
Of being what you’re not.
It’s okay if you’re not fine
And feeling blue,
It’s okay if you no more like
doing things you usually do.

And you’re not at fault if
All this keeps happening to you,
As it’s just a phase, it’ll pass too!

Life poems

Just Words

If these are just words that I write,
Why do they speak the language of my soul,
If they mean nothing to me,
Why do I feel they’re my feelings being told,
Why do I feel that a part of me is scattered among the ink,
Are they really just words or its my silence that I stole.

If these are just words that I speak,
Why do they carry the power to
destroy, hurt or heal,
How do they tell about my fears, pain, pleasures and bliss,
When even the eyes succeed to conceal,
If they’re just words that I say,
Why do tears fill up my eyes
and the smile doesn’t stay!

If these are just words that I read,
Why does it feel that someone
has looked through my soul,
How do I no longer feel alone and gloomy,
And it makes me feel that I’ve been known,
How these words can cast a spell on our minds,
And it seems we’re dealing with magic,
For words can both hurt and console !

Words carry the beauty and strength of trapping people and not letting them go,
Words can be a blessing, 
curse , hell or even home !

We’ve grown blind enough to look through our souls , the emotions and tell,
I live in a world of words,
Where eyes succeed in hiding the truth,
but the words can convey it well!

Life poems

Life’s Journey

Not every puzzle is ours to be solved,
Some problems take time to be resolved,
Don’t stress yourself, be gentle and kind,
I’ve heard them say problems
don’t last forever,
And maybe they’re not lying.

You might think it’s the worries
that turned the sea blue,
Or maybe stars ask for help
when they twinkle,
Coz they feel like we do.

There are many mysteries
that’ll unfold as we grow,
And there is much more for you,
That you are yet to know!

There are tales you haven’t heard,
The love you haven’t felt,
There’s escape from the sadness,
in which you dwell.
There are dreams you’re yet to live,
And moments you won’t forget,
There are many stories inside you,
That are yet to be said.

There are countless goodbyes
you are yet to make,
You still haven’t met all those
who are meant to stay,
You have a whole new journey
that’s yet to discover,
So why you choose the lane of guilt trip
to repent and suffer?

This journey of highs and lows will teach you many things, that’ll build you strong,
You’ll soon learn how to fight every battle, that’ll lead you where you belong!

Life poems, Sad poems

A Stranger…

I used to think I was invisible to the world
That my existence was of no impact to the big blue planet
And my actions and thoughts weren’t as important.
My journey was mine to bare
And the paths I followed was of my own making.

Whatever happened in other’s lives
Was of their own doings and consequences
And in no way was that gonna affect me.

I had created this barrier around me
Meant to shield me from outside interference
And protect my heart from their snares.

The illusion I used to hide in
Could not protect me any longer
The world I so hid from
Would eventually demand my attention.
The barriers and walls I had built,
Would eventually come crumbling down.

To be a stranger in a sea full of people
Is a common illusion some tend to use,
Thinking we are invisible to the outside eye.
And that our lives matters not.
And that we are a different kind of species,
The one that survives in solitude.

Everybody has a role to play,
A responsibility to fulfill
And however far you run from it,
You’ll soon get tired of running
And it’ll eventually catch up with you.

I spent so much time in the shells
Living in the shadows of reality
Playing the victim in a game I never asked to play,
Or at least I thought so.
Maybe the world had conjured a plan,
A way to make all participants,
Participants in a game called life,
Where winning was not the goal, but teach you how to adapt.

And so I adapted,
Adapted to it’s principles
How simple and complex it can be,
And live every moment as it comes.

Life poems

If You Ever Need A Hug

If you ever feel so lonely,
If you ever need a hug.
If nights feel so gloomy
Or If you wanna cry.
Just give me a dial no matter what’s the time.
I’ll be there at your doorstep and will try to make you smile.

You might even wonder, by doing so what’s in for her.
Just know that I can see myself in yours.
So if you ever need a hug or if you ever need a friend,
Just let me be the one, at least for once.
So if you wanna cry or need a shoulder to lean on,
Just let me be the one, at least for once.

Just let me be the one, at least for once.
It might sound fun but the truth is the world has got no one.
Yet what else we’ve got in is only the human mind that says “I’m the only one who is in so much pain”.
Who will tell such a person you are so wrong mate and that everyone has their day?!

If you ever need a hug,
If you ever need some love,
If you ever need a stranger who can be all ears,
Just let me in.
I’ll be your comfort zone for a while,
I’ll be your peaceful tonight,
And your best friend as well.

Life poems


Forever we remain oblivious to the future,
lost to the past and enduring our torture.
Forever we take chances to settle our scores,
losing some battles and winning some wars.
Forever praying out loud hoping someone will hear,
forever crying softly but never shedding a tear.
Forever exists behind a disguise,
but the belief in forever keeps our hearts alive.

Life poems

Down The Roads of Life

Down the roads of life,
The survivor stands the test of time.
Working hard before you could dine and wine,
For our survival is bound in our strife,
Married to us like husband to a wife,

Down the roads of life,
Lies tastes like sweet wine
And the truth as sour lime
Bitterness lives in the human anatomy
And our welfare is subject to the economy

Down the roads of life,
At a particular juncture,
Our wheels gets a puncture,
Due to potholes and rough roads,
For life presents us with unbearable loads.

Down the roads of life,
We don’t stop moving!
We replace the replaceable,
And manage the irreplaceable,
For our mechanic of hope;
Is in no other man or Pope,
But the very owner of our vehicles,
Thus, our God and maker;
The very one who provides us with our daily manna.

Down the roads of life,
Though rules and regulations are specific,
We choose not to oblige like the traffic,
But rather, we go on and on,
Cruising on the roads of life, till we get beyond.

Life poems


Time is endless but goes too fast.
You long for the future, then yearn for the past.
Summer’s heat quickly turns to frost,
A child grows, their innocence lost.

Time forever slips away,
With the setting sun and each dawn of a day.
The blossoms give way to falling leaves,
Another life taken; their family grieves.

Time can pass quickly, there’s never enough.
You miss when it was easy; now life is too tough.
The long hot days yield to the winter chill,
A new life begins, while another stops still.

Time is something you can never gain,
It only passes and brings new pain.
A warm spring shower turns to freezing snow,
People enter your life, only to leave you and go.

Time reminds you of all that you’ve lost,
You try and regain it, but there’s always a cost.
The warmth of the sun bows down to the cold,
A person once young, now frail and old.

Time is wasted every day,
Spent on moments that fade away.
So think carefully, think wisely about what you will do
With the limited time that is given to you.